Exclusive Marketing Strategies to Promote Your Grocery Business

9 min readDec 31, 2020


Days of searching for grocery specials in the Sunday paper are long gone. Now, people head straight to the grocery stores or rely on grocery delivery apps for seeking coupons and deals. The demand for grocery business has intensified in 2020, and it is intended to grow in the coming future. Do you know what else has got immense popularity during this pandemic? Grocery delivery apps!

Graph representing grocery sales alone in 2020 (in months)

Nowadays, and especially during this pandemic, the demand for grocery delivery apps has intensified intensely. Also, it has become an essential tool for communicating with the shoppers — also an important marketing tool for enhancing the grocery delivery business in quick time. Without a robust and reliable grocery delivery app, it would certainly not be possible for the grocery business to boost the business so easily.

One marketing tool for grocery business is the grocery delivery app. What more?

Let’s figure out!

But before finalizing the marketing strategies to grow your grocery business, it is important to define the KPIs, which could be figured out by answering the following questions.

a) What sort of growth are you expecting with these marketing strategies?

b) What’s your existing baseline?

c) What exactly are you aiming at — in terms of traffic, revenue, brand?

It is supremely important to figure out answers to these questions before you actually finalize the marketing strategies for your grocery business.

Where do you exactly need to begin? Which marketing channels are the best for your grocery business? How effective are these channels in delivering results to your grocery business?

These questions will be answered based on your location, target audience, and the size of your business.

Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Grocery Business

Different strategies that help your grocery business grow are as follows:

1. Invest in Social Media Outreach

Today’s customers are likely to stay online, but how available are you? Besides, even if you are online, are you sending an effective message to your customers? Making a splash on social media is easy, but those who stay there are witty, funny, relevant, and help the customers somehow. Social media posts are not a big deal for many; they post what they want. However, when it comes to the grocery business, it is important to plan out the social media strategy to ensure your brand is visible aptly to the customers.

For marketing your grocery business, relying on social media is an intelligent option. It is a cost-effective, easy, and seamless option to promote and grow your grocery business. You can post about almost everything — right from events happening in your grocery store and what products are available in the store to deals and discounts, which the customers could get. You can even highlight the staff members to build a better connection with the customers. Patrons feel more connected to the business when they know one or the other personal details about the staff.

Hence, relying on your social media channels to promote the business is an excellent idea, any day.

2. Personalized CTAs are Magical

A customized call-to-action is what you need for your grocery business. Customers now are more inclined towards enjoying a customized experience, right from personalized deliveries to strong custom call-to-action. Customers are more content when personalized CTAs are written for them. CTAs could be ‘add to cart’ or ‘buy now’ in any business. There are tons of CTAs written every day. But how many of them are noticed? Well, for being noticed, your call-to-action should be unique, innovative, and customized. Also, if you are expecting high sales and conversion, you will have to invest in seasoned writers, who know how to write posts, call-to-action, and other text, if needed.

Offering a personalized experience is an excellent tool for boosting knowledge and engagement of the product/services amongst the customers. Hence, improved sales can be expected.

3. Branded Shopping Bags

One of the strategies to grow your grocery business is supplying branded and reusable shopping bags to the customers. The best idea is to create your own branded and reusable shopping bags, which will be used to carry groceries to the customer’s space. Promote your brand by printing the brand’s name on these branded shopping bags.

You can even invest in eco-friendly shopping bags so that it even helps the environment. Besides, branded shopping bags are amongst the best promotion moves that grocery businesses can adopt.

Also, this is a long-term promotional strategy, as customers will remember you, as and when they will see your branded shopping bag. This promotion strategy will help in getting customer’s eyes on your business name and logo. And, that is surely a great scheme to Fpromote your grocery business.

Get your shopping bags noticed at the store by placing them at the check-out lanes. This will surely help your business in getting an apt promotion, which certainly is the need of the hour.

4. Mobile-Friendly eCommerce Website

Another major business strategy for a grocery business is to develop an eCommerce website that is mobile friendly. Now, why is the world after mobile-friendly sites so much? The reason is that the major part of the world spends most of their time on mobiles. And, that makes it a remarkable marketing tool to reach out to the targeted customers. People are constantly utilizing their phones to search, purchase, and buy products/services. This makes it an easy-to-use marketing tool, using which you can reach your targeted customers.

Hence, if you want to boost conversions, it is vital to invest in mobile-friendly web solutions. For this, you will need a reliable development team, who has experience in building a robust website, which is mobile-friendly. When planning strategies to grow your grocery business, investing in a mobile-friendly eCommerce website is the best option.

When building your eCommerce website for your grocery business, it is vital to consider the following factors:

a) Develop a highly responsive eCommerce site

b) Website’s loading speed should be quick

c) Build an easy to search option on the website

d) Optimize the mobile-friendly website

e) Keep the checkout process simple

5. Utilize the ‘Live Chat’ Option

Customers will come up with random queries, which might not be feasible all the time. You can use the ‘Live chat’ option to connect directly with your customers. Besides, they can even ask you queries regarding the products or the services, which means there will be direct face-to-face communication with the customers.

Hence, the Live Chat option is counted amongst the best options to promote your brand, nowadays. Providing ‘live chat’ on your eCommerce site will also allow you to understand the ‘not-so-common’ problems, which they generally face while buying groceries from your store. However, if you get acquainted with these problems, it would be easier for you to solve them and get better growth for your business.

Such ‘Live Chat’ is a nice option for the businesses to have, since it allows instant connection with the customers, lets you know about the possible business issues, and even promotes your business easily, without much hassle.

Hence, you can utilize the ‘live chat’ option to connect with your customers and promote the business as well.

6. Weekly Newsletter

A weekly newsletter sent via email is just the apt thing to promote your brand. Utilizing the newsletters, you can promote your grocery business every week. A weekly newsletter is just the right thing to promote your business in the easiest way possible. Besides, you are even allowing your customers the ability to sign up, if they are interested in your services and products. A weekly newsletter is the ultimate solution that will promote your business in no time.

Besides, it is the cheapest option available to promote your grocery business. The audience will simply sign up for your grocery business, see your product, and avail the products and services if they like. On the other hand, you will be staying in constant touch with the customers and initiate the option to convert them into loyal customers.

Weekly newsletters are perhaps the best and the cheapest mode of communication with the grocery business. Hence, you should be investing in writing quality weekly newsletters. Invest in a seasoned writer who can write innovative, unique, highly optimized content for the newsletters. The content of newsletters must attract customers and keep them hooked. If done right, this can become one of the strategies to grow your grocery business

7. Discounts, Deals, and Exclusive Offers

Allow your customers some exclusive offers, discounts, and deals, which helps them in saving some money while enjoying the best products in the market. The discounts need not be very huge, in fact, it should be enough to save them some price. Discounts and deals just have to be captivating enough to make customers act. Decide a certain discount rate, which will be common to all.

In short, you need to create a tag that attracts customer’s attraction. You can even try collaborating with other brands and invest in cross-promotions to make more customers. The customers are incessantly looking for exclusive deals, discounts, and exclusive offers so that they can save a few bucks on the product/service purchase.

Besides, you can try partnering with other brands, which is a great way to promote your grocery business.

8. Compelling Customers to Buy More

Businesses wish for more customers — and they will invest in every strategy to build a strong customer base. Even in your grocery business, you will wish for more and more customers. But how do you promote your business to build more customer base?

Well, offer them different types of products, even the most unique ones — maybe organic, natural, quality, and rare products, which will help in attracting more customers. You can offer your targeted customers these products, and don’t give them the option to shift to your competitors.

Allowing your customers to experience such unique products will compel them to stick to your business. Every business aims at building a stronger customer base, which is possible only when you are keeping your customers satisfied with quality services.

So, just offer your customers different categories of products, rare items, organic stuff, and something that they will probably not get at your competitor’s store. Attracting new customers to buy more products is perhaps the best strategy to grow your grocery business.

9. Building In-Store Promotions

The essential element of any successful business is initiating ‘in-store promotions.’ Without such promotions, the brand will probably not survive in the market. Building robust in-store promotions begins with a great relationship with buyers. You can support them with strong merchandising programs, which will help you in getting more shoppers for your grocery business.

Deliver them what’s important for these retailers, and support them in achieving that. If you have helped them today, they will likely be more inclined towards your business in the future. Hence, you have created a long-term relationship with retailers.

So, how do you promote your business in-house? Well, you will have to create in-store displays, which helps your patrons in attracting the shoppers. Hence, you will have to focus on creating huge displays, using attractive colors, and use the best material to prepare the in-house promotions for your business. Just don’t overdo it, keep it simple and sober. The displays should be attractive enough to hold the attention of the customers.

Related Post: How to Get the Best Out of your Online Grocery Store?

The Takeaway Message

Running a successful grocery business is not that easy. However, these marketing strategies will surely help you in promoting and market your grocery business. Abide by these marketing strategies and you will see how your grocery business gets the well-deserved promotion in no time. Moreover, if you combine these marketing strategies with one essential factor for every business i.e., customer service, it would become an easy task for you to grow your business and multiply your sales.

You can also flaunt customer testimonials and reviews to promote your grocery business to new customers and build more customers for your business. That’s how your grocery business will become successful in the quickest time possible.

